Passionate Puglia & Perfect Portugal

Ciao Gastronomads

Puglia covered us all in sunshine, beauty and good vibes. We devoured polpette (tiny deep fried meatballs), foccaccia, bombette (finely sliced pork shoulder, stuffed with coppa and caciocavallo cheese, rolled up and fried), orecchiette pasta and raw gamberro rosso (pink prawns) with just olive oil and salt. The wine has very sexy names like susumaniello, primitivo and negroamaro and we did lots of tastings in the interests of research. Our wonderful group were up for everything. We spent the first half of the week in the romantic Baroque city of Lecce shopping – yes Italians are very fashionable, and cooking – yes Puglians start dreaming of their next meal five minutes after their last one. Did you know burrata comes from Puglia? It's mozzarella made from cow not buffalo milk and filled with stracciatella (cheese threads) and clotted cream. The fearless gastronomads ate it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The second half of the tour was spent in the countryside at the gorgeous Masseria Montenapoleone. The minute we arrived the gastronomads declared they were never leaving. We roamed the organic property with owner Giuliano, picking vegetables and fruit for our cooking class. We learned how to make pasta from wheat grown on the property, drank wine grown and produced on the property and drank and oiled ourselves from olive oil produced guess where? The last night bash was an extravaganza of wild pizzaca folk dancing, delicious food and emotional farewells. I'll be there again 31 August – 6 September 2025 ... perhaps you'll be joining me? Full details on the website HERE.


The Portugal tour was just wonderful and we had a very bondy, witty group of gastronomads, who as far as I know are still messaging each other. I wouldn't be surprised if they fall in love and have Portuguese cooking parties back home. Our wonderful guide Vania was friendly, patient, funny and smart. Actually this is how I would describe the Portuguese in general – it's such a joy being with them. The group ate absolutely everything I gave them like barnacles, migos (basically stuffing) and raw salt cod with matchstick fries. They were obedient, wore sensible shoes and drank lots of good Portuguese wine. We walked ALL OVER the romantic, hip city of Lisbon tasting street food like giant red prawns, roasted chorizo and pasteis da nata (the famous custard tarts). We accessed our inner Picassos by learning to paint traditional tiles. The private Fado (sad Portuguese singing) concert in a tram as we rattled through the old neighbourhoods, made some of us a bit weepy from the beauty of the music. The second half of the week found us in the stunning white medieval town of Evora, capitol of the Alentejo region – land of endless blue sky, olive groves, vineyards, cork groves and very staunch, gastronomically sophisticated people. We tasted the mild, sweet, fruity olive oil, the complex earthy wines and the traditional dishes like cozido (meat & vegetable soup) and pig cheeks slow cooked in red wine. And they can sing! Fabulous a cappella polyphonic choirs which of course were present and serenading us at the last night bash. Portugal 2025 dates are 14 – 20 September and it's already half full!  Full details are HERE.

Gastronomic Tours in 2025

Early bird Europe airfares are out now and there are some great deals to be had, especially in premium economy and business class – so time to get on board. 

India – 3 – 12 March 2025 – lucky last place available!
Marrakech – 12 – 18 May 2025 
Uzès  – 30 May – 5 June 2025
Basque Country – 14 – 20 June 2025 – half full
Puglia  – 31 August – 6 September 2025
Portugal – 14 – 20 September 2025 – half full

Supper Club

The Supper Club is back for summer and kicks off on 16 October until early May 2025. On every Wednesday evening and Saturday lunchtime, I take up to 8 people for a cooking class of dishes from my travels, then we eat it all up on my floating inner city terrace. Usually about three hours altogether and if you refuse to leave, you're on dishes. You may burst into song or recite a poem, I may burst into song, I might do a book reading from my latest book, but one thing's for sure – you'll learn to cook something delicious and you'll meet some lovely people. Find out more or make an enquiry HERE.

Event Speaking

I am available for event speaking and MC engagements from mid October until early May 2025 – business conference, fundraiser, food/wine festival, Christmas do, charity event.... whatever it is I'll bring the chat. My hot topics are food and gastronomy, fashion and clothing and travel and humour. I cover topics I consider important, naughty or personal, transformational, musical and sometimes scurrulous. I like to see life as a thrilling adventure, intellectually stimulating and subject to occasional medicinal doses of gin. Contact me directly for event speaking HERE.

I am spending the next few weeks in Uzès drinking the last of the summer wine and enjoying cool mornings and sunny days with the occasional thunder storm thrown in. My beautiful Uzès home is available for rent till I return at the end of May 2025 – you can find out more HERE.  See you soon at the Supper Club in Auckland!
