Magical Marrakech

Exciting to be back in Marrakech again – sizzling with colour, drama and enough sugared sweets to put everyone into a diabetic coma. My tour group were perfectly wonderful, throwing themselves into every spicy cooking lesson, every bottomless glass of mint tea offered and all opportunities to dance and sing with the locals. The first three nights in our beautiful countryside lodge surrounded by organic gardens, wheat fields, olive groves and flowers was enchanting, with a wild souk visit, weaving workshop and lunch in a village home (best caramelised chicken, onion & raisin tagine I've EVER eaten). 

After going mad to the beat of the all-female drum band on our last night in the countryside, we jumped in the van and headed for the stunning blue Majorelle Gardens and Yves St Laurent museum in the French quarter of Marrakech. We lunched at my friend Cassie's restaurant Plus 61 (Australian fusion/Mediterranean) – stunningly sophisticated dishes like soused sardines & mussels, grilled octopus and stracciatella. We came over all traditional in our cooking class at my friend Nicky's pretty riad Berber Duchess with our handsome chef Rachid – we learned how to smoke eggplant, get to the heart of an artichoke and make rosemary kefta (see recipe below). Our final night bash was at my friend Adriano's brand new riad, where we dressed up in all the bling we found in the souk and danced the night away. Nobody fell off the balcony.

Deepest thanks to all my friends and associates in Morocco who always come to the party in such dramatic fashion and of course the wonderful Gastronomads who were a joy. 

I'll be doing it all again next year – 12-18 May... full details on the website HERE.

Gastronomic Tours in 2025

It's never too early to start dreaming of your next escape.... So if you're keen to join a tour, but shy about committing too far in advance, register your interest by filling the booking form HERE and that way you won't miss the boat!

India – 3 – 12 March 2025 – 3 places left!
Marrakech – 12 – 18 May 2025
Uzès  – 30 May – 5 June 2025
Basque Country – 14 – 20 June 2025
Puglia  – 31 August – 6 September 2025
Portugal – 14 – 20 September 2025

Rachid's Rosemary Kefta

  • 1 teaspoon each of cumin, black pepper, sweet paprika, turmeric, ground ginger and salt

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil and finely chopped rosemary

  • 1kg beef mince

  • A dozen long rosemary stalks with the leaves of the bottom half removed

Mix the spices into the beef and form into kefta shapes with your hands (as pictured). Slide the keftas onto the rosemary sticks. Grill quickly and serve.

I am now installed in my home in Uzès in the South of France, lying around sipping on Pastis and telling lies with my friends in shady cafés. In between I'm teaching my market cooking classes in my home every Wednesday and Saturday when I'm in town. Come and join us for some tellines (like baby pippies), poppingly fresh langoustines (scampi), artichokes and wild strawberries. Get in touch about an Uzès class HERE.

And tomorrow I'm headed for the beautiful Basque Country to meet up with my next group of gastronomads... there's no rest for the wicked!

A bientot, Peta